Sunday 6 April 2014

Anti sex league - 1984

The following images are notes created by Iris, Amber Thornicroft, Hannah, Yasmin and I related to the Anti Sex League commitee for 1984. 

Above is an image of our group in costume whilst rehearsing our lecture. We were all extremely organised when getting our costumes and made sure to stay in contact throughout the entire process incase there were any problems or ideas that wanted to be put forward. 

This is the link to the advert we created to show within our lecture. The idea was based around the consequences that would happen to anybody to not obey our rules. We stayed behind after school an filmed this collectively as a group with some help from rasaq and other theatre strand pupils to play other parts. Overall i think the advert turned out exactly how we wanted if not better as all ideas put forward were introduced how we wanted. The group effort was fantastic and we showed a great commitment throughout the entire divising of this piece. 

Here are some images for the Anti sex league leaflets we created.

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