Friday 28 March 2014

This is mine and Brinley's Prezi of our ideas for a 1984 narrative. We did it in first person as if this person was actually speaking as if he was in the moment. We had a creative idea on the piece to make it sound like it was a story or monologue through out the entire presentation. Our Prezi now includes sound to add effect.

Thought ideas for 1984 performance

This idea was to use a live camera and film in a back room what may look like room 101 and a scared close up of somebody panicking to get out of the room. The idea of it being projected onto a radiator makes it look more abstract, or we could project it onto people.

We tested our idea onto boxes first but decided on doing it on a radiator on peoples white boiler suits for a better, more abstract affect.

This is our idea when the lights were off so it was clearer (We used a live video camera and a projector, if we had a longer lead it would be able to go into the back room where things would look more enclosed and have a more 101 feeling)

Our further ideas were to use sheets and light to show silhouettes of bodies to add an abstract affect. We would use our own voices to scream to add effect as well.